Mothers day is pure symphony. Happy Mothers Day!


Happy Mothers Day!

Hello Symphonics, how are you?

On Mother’s Day we bring an interpretive analysis of the song My Mother Said, by singer Anneke Van Giersbergen. Let’s go first to the lyrics of this song. And then I’ll expose my interpretation of it.

My Mother Said
Anneke van Giersbergen
My mother said “I gained a friend
At the end of the heart to heart.”
My mother asked, “will you be fine
With the choices you make in your life?”
And you pick me up
And you hold me close
And you show the way
And you let me go
My father said, “use your head
The guys upstairs, they just don’t care.”
My father asked, “will you be safe
When you are always so far away?”
And you pick me up
And you hold me close
And you show the way
And you let me go
I let the light into my life
Close my eyes before I die
And you let me go
And you sent me off
Into the sky
Always believe in me, always beside me
I’ve come this far and I’ll be going
Farther than the stars
And you pick me up
And you hold me close
And you take my hand
And you watch me grow
And you show the way
And you let me go
I let the light into my life
Close my eyes before I die
And you let me go
You let me go
My mother said, “I gained a friend.”

This is an alternative and independent interpretation that has no connection with the original idea of the artist.


When a child departs, he builds within himself and to the world the missing pieces. Its roots hold the slopes and protect a natural cycle of evolution. Behold, one garden is pruned and another is erect. Lives meet and others disagree. Back is not a viable choice, but we know we will always have a nest.

In Anneke’s song “My Mother Said” we perceive the beginning of a natural process where the children go their own way.

The lyrics show the support of the artist’s parents about her musical career. By saying “you have won a friend”; it is as if the mother says that the daughter is adding people (friends) to her life and not losing them (the parents). In these words we can feel her saying implicitly: “go your ways, daughter, you will be embraced by the world and here I will always be for you, you can go”. The mother, when asked if her daughter “will be well with her choices,” perceives a subtle and sensitive act of protection, taking care of the words so as not to appear discouraging. This is a worried and proud mother.

We feel in the passage:

And you pick me up
And you hold me close
And you take my hand
And you watch me grow
And you show the way
And you let me go

A sense of relief from the artist realizing that her mother was correct. Anneke is clearly excited to have moved on and discovered her friends’ fans. For in saying that “you catch me, hold me tight, show me the way and let me go.” We think she was originally mentioning her parents, but she fits perfectly into the role of a fan / friend.

She feels embraced and welcomed from all sides. Then she “Let the light come into your life.” She says she closes her eyes before dying in a possible reference to the end of a cycle. Now she is not under the wings of her family. Porando is raising his own flights and on this route begins to see life from another perspective. Then her parents leave her and encourage her to fly. It’s high up in the sky.

I let the light into my life
Close my eyes before I die
And you let me go
You let me go.

In these flights and trajectories Anneke was building bonds of friendship wherever she goes. Conquering friends and fans (which may be the same thing at this time of the championship). Feeling believed, supported and strengthened then to the stars. Who knows, to be one (in fact she already is).

Her fans becoming his friends and his friends turning into family, and at that moment the words reassert themselves: “You have earned a friend.” Not just one, but thousands upon thousands. All with their value and importance. Parents are part of this new fraternity and why not call it FAMILY?

Being a family Anneke would be in the role of everyone’s mother? Mother of your fans? Of your Friends? Your achievements and your flights? Mother of a brilliant trajectory?

We could quietly say yes. In addition, Anneke uses her music as an instrument of a conscious mother to produce good children to the world. Its extensive material is the most beautiful method of caring and care. Their songs are the arms that welcome all this gigantic family.

The song “My Mother Said”, is part of the solo album “Drive” by Anneke Van Giersbergen.

In the name of Playfonic we wish all the mothers of the world a majestic day and that the music nourish your heart. Happy Mothers Day!

We love you. But what good is writing about music if we do not listen to it and feel it, do not we? Here is the music video of this song:

Leave in the comments the importance of music for your life, we will love to know it! 🙂


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