Ghost House Heart – The memories of our home, now, destroyed


What is the song “Ghost house heart” by Delain about? Well, it could be a million different things. So, we decided to give it our interpretative version about the lyrics of the song and its music video.

The title, by itself, is already quite complex, due to its countless possibilities. A ghost’s heart? Is the house the ghost? Haunted?

We already know that the band uses metaphors in their language and we analyze this “heart” as the memories; the “house” is our home, our planet; and the “ghost” symbolizes everything that we have already destroyed.

“Why do we fall like leaves to the ground” is the question they chose to open the narrative. After all, leaves fall, especially when they are dry and dead. So, how could we be falling like dry leaves when we’re all alive ?? This is an important detail that could be a question like: Why are we letting our planet destroy itself with the power to save it being in our hands ?!

We have a palace, but we are lonely…

We started, therefore, to see images from the video in which the main character (Charlotte Wessels) is sad and lonely, in an abandoned and ruined palace. We see, externally, the unstable climate (wind, snowstorm, darkness, fog). Perhaps, this represents global warming, and with the shadows moving, we realize that time is passing quickly while everything happens.

At the ruined piano, Martijn Westerholt keys the melodies of what seems to be counting down. He shows that he is in a hurry to do that job and desperate not knowing if it is possible. After all, this is the last breath when trying to rescue the flame from what seems to be going out.

We are Majesty, but we don’t know how to rule!

Charlotte wears a kind of crown, illustrating that we are “kings and queens of this castle”. Fruits, nature, home, and consequently, life, are being frozen. Destroyed. Everything was covered by an icy desert in which neither the jacket that the protagonist wears at the beginning of the video has more. The protection of life is being taken and time is running out.

The memories of our home, now, destroyed

The lyrics of the song says, in its third, fourth and fifth verse, that the human being was greedy when asking for more and more and always exploring everything that nature could offer. At that moment, the lyrics say that we knew the consequences, but we kept the course and continued to degrade more and more. Behold, in the heart of the ghost house, that is, in the memories of our destroyed home, there is the x fact that keeps us going: the search to recover and reconstruct the world that was in our hands is now the shadow that people look for hope.

In the last parts of the letter the verdict is given: This is not the end! We will have to pay the high price for our folly and that millions of things have not even been charged to us, but the cross has been dropped and we will have to carry it. The “millions of things to see” (said in the music) are the possibilities that the planet has to rise. However, this should always be protected, as we should not see anything that we could destroy, again.

The world needs to be saved

Our Home is in trouble and Delain has come to warn us. This plea must be heard and all our energy must be directed towards the restructuring of the common good and the non-degradation of the environment. The world needs to be saved as soon as possible. Saved from ourselves.

The band’s new album, “Apocalypse & Chill”, will be released on February 7, 2020. Follow the band on their social networks and don’t miss this great release.


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