Solo Career, The Dark Element and more – Interview with Annete Olzon


With her talent and effort, Anette has always shown that she is a phenomenon. A singular artist who has many facets. To get an idea of ​​Anette’s success, the video clips of “Bye Bye Beautiful” and “Amaranth”, led by her, are the most watched on the official channel of the label Nuclear Blast on youtube, having 123 and 110 million views, respectively.
She is currently the lead singer of the Finnish heavy metal band The Dark Element, where she released, in 2019, the second album, called “Songs the Night Sings”.
In March 2020, Olzon released the album “Worlds Apart”, debuting the collaborative project Allen / Olzo, with Russel Allen, singer of the band Symphony X. Parallel to his artistic career, Anette acts as a brilliant nurse in her locality, having played a key role in supporting the victims of COVID-19. She is now in the studio working on her next solo album. Impressive, isn’t it ?! Anette is a phenomenon that inspires a legion of fans around the world.

All the details of this and much more you can see in the interview that we had the privilege to produce, below:


Playfonic: We know that a new solo album is in your plans. How is the creative process for this album? Can you tell us in what style it will be done? (More pop, rock, metal, etc.) We are curious. Does the album already have a title and release date?

The album will be out in 2021 no set date yet. It’s metal album with new elements that you haven’t heard from me before. Album name is almost set but I can’t tell it yet👌 the process has been easy and we wrote the songs really fast.

Playfonic: “Worlds Apart” album is an excellent release. How was it to produce this album with Russel Allen? Who is the composer and what is the theme of its music? In the future, do you both intend to repeat this partnership?

Thanks! It’s Magnus Karlsson who’s written and produced the album and yes there will be another album from this.


Playfonic: In less than 5 years you have already produced 4 albums and are currently in the process of producing new songs. But, about The Dark element, what are the next plans? Do you intend to release a single?

There will be a new The dark element album in 2022.


Playfonic: What about the last album of the dark element, “Songs the Night Sings”, what is the main message and concept of its lyrics?

It’s Jani who writes the songs on it so it’s very hard for me to say anything about it.


Imagem: Reprodução


Playfonic: 2020 has been a hard year due to the pandemic. Showbizz was one of the sectors most affected. The hospital area also suffered a lot from the high demand. How do you rate the year, considering your life experience in the most affected areas? How did you maintain your psychological and mental and physical balance in the face of so much adversity?

Well for me it’s been a hard year with my father passing from covid and also working as a nurse in the midst of it all. But I try to keep my faith that it all will be ok soon with a vaccine and trying to stay positive through it all. I believe there’s no good thing coming out of being negative and worry to much but instead focus on the things that are good.

Playfonic: You are a complete artist, who nourishes your audience with works of the highest quality. In addition to music, we realize that you are very connected to the world of fashion and fitness. Despite very different areas, there are similarities. So, you end up being a great reference in several segments, in addition to music. What is your greatest passion among the 3 and how do you reconcile all these tasks?

Well working out is a way for me to both stay fit in my body but also feel better in my mind. It balances me and keep me able having a positive attitude. If I don’t work out and move I’ll be feeling more down so it’s important for me to work out 4 times at least a week. I don’t believe I am so much into fashion but I love to wear nice clothes. Its also something that make me feel better in my mind to dress in clothes that make me happy. Music is the same, it make me happy but it’s also something that’s important to do for me- not for anyone else. So it’s a more ego thing for me than that others need to love it and I’m happy I can still make albums; work with those I want and select what I record without having to sell out myself just because I have to earn some money. Having another work career as a nurse is my job and singing is my hobby these days and I’m content with that.

Playfonic: random question to relax: Why is your instagram user “thechosenone665” and not Anette Olzon? We found this choice interesting and we always had this silly curiosity. = D

I used that name when I was in nightwish and since my Instagram is so old now I don’t want to change the name.


Playfonic: You, in addition to being the lead singer of The Dark Element, have already led the band Nigthwish.You joined the band Nightwish in a difficult period, suffering at the beginning. However, you remained steadfast and won a legion of fans around the world. Your trajectory in the band is legendary and your voice gave life to some of the greatest hits ever released. On youtube, for example, your videos are among those with the highest views, surpassing the 100m mark. After leaving the band, you continue a very successful musical career, producing songs that are already well-known by the public. For example, the videos of The Dark Element are also among the most viewed on the official channel of their label.
What is your greatest learning and what advice would you give to artists who go through similar situations?

Well it’s been a life lesson those years and I did enjoy it but also suffered from it all for many years. I do believe it’s important to know that no matter what happens you can always rise up, be firm in your beliefs and show people that you are strong and move on and do whatever you like. To choose carefully who you work with, what record label and so on is important. I believe that it’s also important to be firm in what you want with your music, not do anything you don’t like, not let the label or management dictate your choices. That’s also why I no longer have a management; I am my own manager.

Playfonic: For those who still do not know your solo work and as a vocalist of “the dark element”, what song and / or album do you recommend to listen to?

Well my first solo album Shine and our albums with The dark element are both good to start with.

Playfonic: A short time ago the video for the single “Not your monster” by The Dark Element, reached the mark of 1 million views on youtube. How do you feel about this achievement?

I’m of course happy and feeling blessed that people like what me and Jani does. That way we will be able to release more albums and that’s what we both want.

Playfonic: We are immensely grateful for your availability and attention. We know how you have a hectic routine. We are honored with this opportunity. And, for your fans here in Brazil, Latin America and around the world, what message would you like to leave?

A big thanks to everyone for being fans during the years both when I’ve been over there singing and of course also now when I’m doing other things. I hope we’ll meet again one day.

Thank you for reading our interview with Anette. We hope you enjoyed it.


Anette Olzon socials: FacebookInstagram 


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