A portal to the other world – by Adrian Benegas – playFEAT


Since I was kid, there was a strong fascination for the spiritual world within me. I was always attracted to the sacred texts, the mysteries of life and death, the phenomena and theories of other worlds.

As time went by, I often locked myself into meditation and try more and more to answer common questions we have all asked ourselves sometime like, where we come from, who we are, why we are here, among others.

One day my quest had a small answer, the universe answered me when I was 11 years old. It was in the year 2000 (I can remember it clearly), a book came to me. This book was very important to find a thread that connects what caused me so much fascination since I was a child… the spiritual world. In that book, the author wrote about the mystery of inner worlds and their connection with “vibrations”, with the magical power of sound.

It was there when a strong spark of intuition mixed with joy made me try to investigate and experiment more and more about it, until the love for sound became a strong love for music and so on until today. I find it fascinating the wonderful power of sound, musical notes and how it affects within us.
Following the story… I remember trying some meditation techniques called “Mantras” mentioned in that book, and little by little I began to feel something different, I began to discover magical places within myself and thanks to the power of vibrations, I began to immerse myself in the infinite world of dreams, of internal experiences through my dreams.

Over the years, I’ve discovered that this was not something new, the importance and power of sound comes from very old times, it’s already present in the sacred writings of many of the great cultures of Wisdom of Humanity, the sound is the creative element of the existence and, therefore, hence the “Power of Sound” and the “Word”.

That power remains intact within human cultures, and it is so, that there are currently therapies with music, practices with sound that help us in various emotional and motor fields. To simplify it, the power of sound is reflected in that music that makes us cry or makes us excited, others that make us feel motivated, etc. We cannot deny that the sound comes from that inner world that we do not see, but it is there, and thanks to the vibrations we can connect with ourselves outside the material world and even generate great psychological changes in ourselves.

Nowadays I still feel a great love and respect for sound and music thanks to that discovery. I learned new ways to use those new elements that caused great changes of consciousness and moods within me. For all that, I think music is the portal to the other world. The connection with our most intimate being, the one who is beyond time and materialism.

Music has the power to connect us with our feelings directly, it can change our mood, it can give us strength, it can cure us from sadness, it can connect us with that invisible part that is there but we cannot see. Therefore, for me that quote attributed to the great master Ludwig Van Beethoven, which says “Music is a greater revelation than all wisdom and philosophy” is simply the most important truth that rules my day to day.

The music and sound used as spiritual tools are the portal to the world of vibrations and the invisible dimensions, it is the direct connection with our own Being so I invite everyone who is reading this and find on this article a kind of affinity, to investigate the experience of the mantras, the sound and the inner world that is within us…

To discover and unleash the hidden abilities that can be developed through the magic of sound…

Get to know more of the work of Adrian Benegas listening to his new album The Revenant:


Adrian Benegas

Paraguayan composer, keyboardist and entrepreneur – founder of the international metal project TRAGUL – In 2019 and parallel to Tragul, Adrian released of his most ambitious project: a debut album (The Revenant).



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